
The amend command splits its functionality into several operations. You can select which operations run using the --operation option. If you don’t, operations marked [default] will run. The following operations are available:

add-bom-ref [default]:

Adds a ‘bom-ref’ to components which don’t have one yet.


Adds user-provided license texts to licenses with a specific name (not id).

compositions [default]:

Declares all component compositions as ‘unknown’.

default-author [default]:

Sets author of the metadata component to ‘automated’, if missing.


Deletes license claims which are solely identified by the ‘name’ property.

infer-supplier [default]:

Attempts to infer component supplier from other fields.

license-name-to-id [default]:

Attempts to infer SPDX ids from license names.

usage: cdx-ev amend [-h] [--operation <operation>]
                    [--help-operation <operation>] [--license-dir LICENSE_DIR]
                    [--output <file>]

Positional Arguments


Path to the SBOM file.

Named Arguments


Possible choices: add-bom-ref, add-license-text, compositions, default-author, delete-ambiguous-licenses, infer-supplier, license-name-to-id

Select an operation to run. Can be provided more than once to run multiple operations in one run.


Possible choices: add-bom-ref, add-license-text, compositions, default-author, delete-ambiguous-licenses, infer-supplier, license-name-to-id

Displays details about an operation and exits afterwards.

--output, -o

The path to where the output should be written. If this is a file, output is written there. If it’s a directory, output is written to a file with an auto-generated name inside that directory. If it’s not specified, output is written to stdout.

Options for ‘add-license-text’


Path to a folder with files containing license texts.


The order of operations cannot be controlled. If you want to ensure two operations run in a certain order you must run the command twice, each time with a different set of operations.


# Run all default operations on an SBOM.
cdx-ev amend bom.json

# Run only the default-author and add-bom-ref operations.
cdx-ev amend --operation default-author --operation add-bom-ref bom.json

# Run the add-license-text operation. License texts are stored in a directory named 'license_texts'.
# Afterwards, run the delete-ambiguous-licenses operation.
cdx-ev amend --operation add-license-text --license-dir ./license_texts bom.json --output bom.json
cdx-ev amend --operation delete-ambiguous-licenses bom.json

Operation details


Adds a bom-ref to components which don’t have one yet.

This operation generates bom-refs comprising a single UUIDv4 for any component which doesn’t have an SBOM.


The operation add-license-text can be used to insert known full license texts for licenses identified by name. You can use this, for instance, in workflows where SBOMs are created or edited by hand - so a clutter-free JSON is preferred - then, in a last step, full texts are inserted using this operation.

License texts are inserted only if:

  • The license has a name field.

  • The license has no id field.

  • The license has no or an empty text.content field.

  • A matching file is found.

You must provide one file per license text in a flat directory. The stem of the filename, that is everything up to the extension (i.e., up to but not including the last period), must match the license name specified in the SBOM.


Given this license in the input SBOM:

    "license": {
        "name": "My license"

the operation would search the full license text in any file named My license, My license.txt, My, or any other extension. However, the file My license.2.txt would be disregarded, because its stem (My license.2) doesn’t match the license name.


Declares all component compositions as unknown.

Any existing entries in compositions are replaced by a single entry that marks all components in the SBOM as unknown. This serves two goals:

This excludes the metadata component because any SBOM supplier should be able to state the level of completeness of its first-level components.


Sets author of the metadata component to automated, if missing.


Deletes license claims which are solely identified by the name property.

Licenses that contain only a name property but no URL or text for context provide little informational value beyond the fact that some form of license is present. In certain cases it can therefore be beneficial to remove such clutter from an SBOM.

Because of the risk involved in accidentally removing important data, this operation is disabled by default.


Attempts to infer component supplier from other fields.

CycloneDX contains numerous attributes on components to attest some sort of responsibility for its creation or distribution with fine semantic differences between them. These include author, authors, manufacturer, supplier, or publisher and the list might grow in future versions. Unfortunately, the toolscape doesn’t work equally well with all of these. For instance, Dependency-Track ignores everything but author and supplier. However, SBOMs generated by many tools do not always expose this information for all components. Where it is missing, this operation attempts to infer a supplier from available data.

The algorithm sets the to the first element found from the following list:

  • publisher

  • author

The supplier.url will be inferred from the following sources, in order of precedence:

  • externalReference of type website

  • externalReference of type issue-tracker

  • externalReference of type vcs

For all of the URLs there is the additional condition that they must utilize either the http or https scheme.


Attempts to infer SPDX ids from license names.

For any license on a component or the metadata component that is declared with a name but no id, this operation attempts to replace the name with a matching SPDX id. The operation contains a lookup table of common license names to SPDX ids largely sourced from and

Licenses that already have an id are skipped. If no corresponding id can be found, the license is also skipped.