

The merge-vex command will be superseded by a new vex command in a future version. For further information refer to the discussion.

This command requires two input files, a SBOM and a VEX file that shell be merged. The VEX file needs to be compatible with the SBOM.

If the SBOM does not contain a VEX file, the VEX file simply be added to the SBOM.

If the SBOM already contains a VEX section, the two VEX files are merged uniquely. In the case of duplicate entries, the ratings will be merged. Should two ratings of the same method contain a different rating, the newer one will be kept.

usage: cdx-ev merge-vex [-h] [--output <file>] <sbom_file> <vex_file>

Positional Arguments


Path to SBOM file to merge.The first file is assumed to be the SBOM, the second the vex file


Path to VEX file to merge.The first file is assumed to be the SBOM, the second the vex file

Named Arguments

--output, -o

The path to where the output should be written. If this is a file, output is written there. If it’s a directory, output is written to a file with an auto-generated name inside that directory. If it’s not specified, output is written to stdout.